Knoxville Philatelic Society
P.O. Box 50422
Knoxville, Tennessee 37950
Email: knoxvillestamps@yahoo.com​
APS Chapter # 1189

Coming to you from Knoxville, Tennessee
The Knoxville Philatelic Society meets on the first Tuesday evening of each Calander month at this location:
Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church
2931 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919
Thank You!

Site last updated 3-21-2025

Support your KPS Member Dealers
Click on dealer name for more information

The Knoxville Philatelic Society webpage is designed to be a resource for stamp collectors in the Knoxville, Tennessee area. It contains information about local philatelic events, clubs, meetings, shows, and other fun stuff. Hopefully, stamp collectors from other regions will also find this site a useful and fun place to visit. Everyone is encouraged to submit content and suggestions.
We would greatly appreciate your feedback on the content of this site. Please let us know if you find any errors or inaccuracies. We would also like to include original content from the stamp collectors who would like to see their hard work displayed on the web. Therefore, if you have articles that you have written, exhibits you have created, presentations you have put together, or even short (less than 10 minutes) videos, we would love to give them a home on the web. Please provide your contact information so that we may give you credit for your work and direct any questions or comments to you.
Click HERE to send us an email.

WELCOME to the
Knoxville Philatelic

APS Star Route 2024 Large Vermeil Award for Website
APS Star Route 2024 Gold Award for KPS News Newsletter
For more upcoming events please visit our Calendar of Events page.
KPS Tuesday Meeting
April 1st, 2025
The Knoxville Philatelic Society will meet on Tuesday April 1st at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. We will nominate a new slate of officers for the coming year and Marshall Blum will present a program entitled "Swiss Solder Stamps of WW2". Join your fellow collectors to browse through the huge KPS stamp inventory in search for items to fill spaces in your stamp collection. DON'T FORGET YOUR WANT LIST! Remember that you are welcomed to bring your own philatelic material to sell or trade at this time.
​Interested in becoming a member of KPS? No problem at all. The 2025 membership application form is right here.
Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church
2931 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919
For directions to church click HERE
Set-up stamp lots - 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Stamp sales start at: 6:00 PM
Stamp sales end & doors close by 9:00 PM

Support your KPS Member Dealers
Click on dealer name for more information


KPS Fifth Tuesday Meeting
April 29th, 2025
The Knoxville Philatelic Society will meet on Tuesday April 29th at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. This is a chance to purchase stamps and supplies. Join your fellow collectors as the evening begins and you browse through the huge KPS stamp inventory in search for items to fill spaces in your stamp collection. DON'T FORGET YOUR WANT LIST! Remember that you are welcomed to bring your own philatelic material to sell or trade at this time.
Interested in becoming a member of KPS? No problem at all. The 2025 membership application form is right here.
Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church
2931 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919
For directions to church click HERE
· Set up for the stamps occurs at 6:00 PM
Doors open for stamp sales: 6:30 PM
· Doors close at 9:00 PM
The Knoxville Philatelic Society reccomends the following sites to help you find and identify that elusive stamp. You are welcome to join us at one of the meetings listed above for an "In-person" assessment of a stamp, a cover or an entire collection.

The Knoxville Philatelic Society is a proud member of the following philatelic organization: